Friday, August 13, 2010


1. I just polished off the leftover powdered sugar from a batch of puppy chow with my finger.

2. I know of at least four people having bachelor/bachelorette parties this weekend.

3. When did bachelor/bachelorette parties become weekends?

4. This morning I made a batch of absolutely delicious (if I do say so myself) rosemary bagels topped with sea salt:

They look funny but seriously folks, they were so good. Right out of the oven.

5. One of my regulars at the coffee shop, Greg, brought me a bag of skittles today. No particular reason. 

6. I finally won $50 Target Gift Card #6 - which brings me to $300, enough to buy myself a brand new KitchenAid stand mixer in... buh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh.... Yellow!

That was a drum roll.

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